Thursday, April 28, 2011

Poetry Terms: Lines ♥


Each line is created by many words. To create another line, you press "Enter"

Friends are prisoners of expectation,
Reflected in the mirror of their need.
Instead of being happy on their own,
Each knows that one cannot survive alone,
Nor think unless another plants the seed.
Dependent all for person on relation,
So to be fed, must one the other feed.


How can a poem be a poem without lines? Of course it can't. A poem must have lines, different lines in order to be a poem. A line isn't necessarily be a full sentence but as long as different lines connect and create a meaning to a poem then it's okay. Lines complete poems.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Poetry Terms: Symbol ♥

Something that has meaning for its own but also represents something else.

The winter apples have been picked, the garden turned.
Rain and wind have picked the maple leaves gone.
The last of them now bank the house or have been burned.
None are left upon the trees or on the lawn.

Green and tall as ever it grew in spring the grass
Grows not too tall, will not be cut again this yea.
Geraniums in bloom behind the window glass
Are safe. Fall has fallen yet winter is not yet here.

How warm the late November sun although how wan.
The white house stands a symbol of fulfillment there,
Housing one old woman, a cat, and one old man
After abundance but before the earth is bare.
                (Symbol - Robert Francis)

Personally, I think it's better to have something that represents something else instead of just saying or telling what it is. It's much better if people can guess instead of just reading and finding out right away what the author means. By using symbols, people can interpret which object symbolizes which object.

Poetry Terms: Onomatopoeia ♥

Words' sounds which truly demonstrates their meanings.

Who's there?
Doughnut who?
Doughnut worry it is just a joke!

Onomatopoeia is really cool and it's also an extremely hard word to pronounce and spell. It's cool when you say a word and actually hear what it sounds in real life. For example, when you talk about a bee, if you just say the word "bee", it's pretty boring but if you use its sound which is "buzz", it's so much better. Onomatopoeia is one of the best ways to create imagery.

Poetry Terms: Assonance ♥

The repetition of the vowel sounds of two words or more.

- Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese
- Try to light the fire

Like alliteration, assonance isn't necessary to be used. It makes the poem sound better and funnier. When you hear things that sound the same continuously, you'd find it entertaining and humorous.

Poetry Terms: Alliteration ♥

The repetition of the consonant sounds of two words or more.

Betty Botter bought some butter,
but, she said, the butter’s bitter;
if I put it in my batter
it will make my batter bitter,
but a bit of better butter
will make my batter better.
So she bought a bit of butter
better than her bitter butter,
and she put it in her batter
and the batter was not bitter.
So ’twas better Betty Botter
bought a bit of better butter.

Alliteration isn't necessarily used in poems, but it makes poem sound cooler and funnier. When I think of alliteration, I think about tongue twister because when you say too many words with the same first initial, your tongue gets twisted which is really cool. Therefore, alliteration can help to make the poem become more entertaining.

Poetry Terms: Meter ♥


The pattern of rhythm; the pattern of the stressed and unstressed syllables.

~      ~   /   ~    ~      /   ~    ~    /
From  the  centre  all  round  to  the  sea,
~   ~    /   ~    ~    /     ~    ~      /
I  am  lord  of  the  fowl  and  the  brute.

When you have a pattern of rhythm, the poem will sound much like a song. It will make the poem sound a lot more interesting and cool. As you read a poem that has meter, you can actually feel the beat of the poem. That is totally awesome!