Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Poetry Terms: Imagery ♥

Languages that are used so that the audience can imagine or picture the scene in their minds to make it easier to understand
Synonym: Descriptive Language

A ballet dancer is a swan
Without the beak or feathers
A ballet dancer is the seasons
Without a change in weather
A ballet dancer is a portrait
With a difference to this art
The picture captures feeling
The dancer embraces heart
      -Mary O. Fumento, 1981
Imagery is extremely important to poetry. It helps you to picture the scenes and experiences all of the five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. The more you can feel what the poem is trying to give you, the more you can understand it. Every person will have a different image in their minds for the same poem because people think in their own ways and none of them are exactly the same. Therefore, imagery can bring a very interesting and diverse collection of interpretations.

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