Monday, April 18, 2011

Poetry Terms: Interpretation ♥

An explanation of a meaning of an artistic piece of work.


My Best Friend
Once was here
now is gone
I will always
love forever
the laughs
the tears
the smiles
without her
my life has no direction
no ups nor downs
no smiles or frowns
I miss her
I cry
I see her
I lie
whatever went wrong
I can mend
I will always
love forever
my very best friend
     - Athena

INTERPRETATION: This poem is simply about the author missing her best friend. She remembers every good moments she had with her friend and all of the bad moments as well. She will never forget the things that they did together because everything were just so memorable. Maybe she did something wrong, or maybe they were separated by a different reason and now that makes her missing her friend so bad.

Interpretation is an essential skill when you study about poetry and poems. When you read a poem, you don't just simply read it, you need to understand it as well. You can guess what the author's trying to say through his/her's figure of speech throughout the poem. Another way to interpret easily is to make connections. Everything is easier when you have a connection to it; making it closer to yourself.

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